Thursday, January 20, 2011

Educational with entertainment value

I am confronted by a great mystery. That is, what does an aspiring writer put on a blog about publishing?

While it may seem abundantly clear that one would share the experience of publishing on a regular basis, there is a problem. That problem is the long amount of time that an aspiring writer must wait between steps. So, my plan is to provide my thoughts on a variety of relevant topics associated with getting a book published between the milestone events. Those topics will include the daily frustrations, my observations about the business, commentary on the elements of writing, samples of my writing and actual milestone event. Of course, the milestone event might send me reeling in exasperation for not having accomplished my desired goal. That is, an event may be a rejection letter or a particularly nasty critique. So be it. I will report my experience, no matter how it might appear to the average reader. And you, my dear reader, can witness it all first hand without risking your neck. Hopefully, that is the value that I might offer.

Building a blog means getting folks to read it. That takes well placed resources, including time. I will make mistakes. But, I will hopefully learn from those mistakes. An ongoing account of activities could include my assessment of mistakes and lessons learned. So, I hope that I can provide an objective account of my routine with humility and grace. We’ll see what happens. I might have an online hissy fit and break something.....who knows.

Then, at some point, I must provide something of greater value to the reader. I must provide some sample of my fiction. I think it makes sense to offer something entertaining and compelling to those who might take a few minutes to read this blog. It is all I can offer really. It is my hope that samples of my work might generate interest over time. The small portion of my brain that deals with reality tells me there is a risk of not generating interest. Fortunately, that is offset by the larger part of my brain that is idealistic and creative. It says, go for it! Make a damn fool of yourself online! I don’t care. (Actually, I do care, but I will pretend not to care if that is ok)

So, it is my intention to provide maybe a small amount of entertainment as I progress. Self-deprecating, embarrassing stuff that no sane person would reveal about themselves....all right here in the coming weeks! So, please tune in and see if I will self destruct or maybe.....just maybe.....get a lucky break.

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